George Muller

1805 – 1898

I have joyfully dedicated my whole life to the object of exemplifying how much may be accomplished by prayer and faith. – George Muller

In his younger days he was known as a thief. He regularly stole from his father, a tax collector in Prussia. In spite of his ill behavior his father had plans to turn him into a minister. Before he could be sent to college he was jailed and his father had to pay for his release.

Years later, after searching for meaning in life he attended a small Bible study. That night, like the child eating his first spoonful of honey, he found what he was looking for and more. He was truly saved and became a new creature. He became a true man of God and preached for the rest of his life.

George Muller is most well known for two things. One, He was a great man of prayer though he would have told you otherwise. He considered himself to be a normal Christian just taking the word of God by faith. He wanted to show men and women, saved and unsaved, that prayer and faith truly are the keys to paradise.

Two, Brother Muller is also known for starting a home for orphans. God used him to provide for over ten thousand orphans during his life time! He never went into debt or asked anyone but God to supply his needs.

For example, on one well-documented occasion, thanks was given for breakfast when all the children were sitting at the table even though there was nothing to eat in the house. As they finished praying, the baker knocked on the door with sufficient fresh bread to feed everyone, and the milkman gave them plenty of fresh milk because his cart broke down in front of the orphanage.

Considered a poor man by worldly standards Brother Muller was rich towards Christ. His life truly is inspiring. His autobiography will lift your spirit and refresh your soul. If you would like to learn more I have included a few links to books written by and about this humble servant of the Lord.

Autobiography Of George Muller

Answers to Prayer

George Muller of Bristol